We thought of something fun instead of a boring short message to wish you guys all the best. So here's a talk me and Leilana had about this year in terms of music. See you guys on the 4th of January
Leilana: So how do you feel about this year?
Nancy: It's been an ok year. Not going to use another adjective or word to describe it. We almost saw Iggy Pop and the Stooges but, damn it, Ron Ashton (the guitarist) had the nerve to go dying on us (Lux Interior also had this brilliant idea, so there goes my chance to ever see The Cramps live.) We were this close to a Klaxons gig (my second Klaxons gig), but the fuckers lost their instruments on the way to Bucharest (from Oslo). Oh, and Manics totally ignored this country they once said they love so (cause capitalism isn't in bloom here... as if) and didn't play here this year. Though they did tour the surrounding countries. Damn you, Wire, damn you!
Leilana: I totally understand how you feel about Klaxons, I was about to climb on stage and force them to play á capella. Uh well. Sometimes the force is NOT with you. Besides all of these *missing* concerts, I think it was a lovely year. I had the chance to see Placebo, The Killers, White Lies, Franz Ferdinand, IAMX... It was the best year ever for me. I hope next year will be even better - I'm still waiting for that MGMT album.
Nancy: Yeah, true words you speak. The gigs we did get to see were epic. In capital letters. And Alex Kapranos is the best ever. I mean, he actually watched the other bands that played B'estfest (and I got a photo with the man). And Motorhead and Lemmy's mole were ace. Well, all except the Editors gig. Their live performance lacks something. But what about the albums you've heard this year?
Leilana: The first thing that comes to my mind when you ask me this question is Primary Colours.
Nancy: I hear you!
Leilana: Primary Colours was such a huge surprise for me, as a Horrors fan, but also a very pleasant one. It made me love them even more than I already did
Nancy: Hm, I don't know about the surprise part. I mean, Faris Badwan went on about this shift in sound and how it was sort of the same thing as the transition Cure undertook from Three Imaginary Boys to Disintegration. Although, yes, it does show a far more mature band and some people who really know how to integrate their influences into their music in a way that doesn’t make it sound too fan boyish.
Leilana: I also liked Humbug very much, I think it's a very nice album - but I must say that I became an Arctic Monkeys fan especially due to it, so I might be a little subjective here.
Nancy: It did seem a bit too slow for me. I enjoy my Monkeys short tempered. But luckily, I had Manics and Journal ... What an album it is. Blew me away from the first chord to the last drum beat. It’s so intense. And it also compensated for Battle For The Sun. Complete opposite. What a let down.
Leilana: For me, the Battle For The Sun experience was a strange one rather than a bad one. I remember listening to Bright Lights for the first time and thinking "Is this Placebo?". But I like this album - lyrically is not their best at all, that's clear, but I like the instrumentals a lot
Nancy: Lyrically I wonder if Molko could sink any lower...
Leilana: Well I agree he said goodbye to fuckin' metaphors, but I guess that's what makes this album so sincere to me. But enough about Battle... you were saying something about Manics before
Nancy: Yes. Manics. A band that rarely seem to disappoint me. And here they were again in 2009.
Leilana: A very good album, Journal For Plague Lovers - but words are not enough to describe it.
Nancy: Journal was raw, heartfelt, cathartic, it captured their essence and it had all the answers any Manics fan wanted after having heard The Holy Bible
Leilana: I’m actually listening to Pretension/Repulsion right now
Nancy: I would say it's mandatory to listen to the whole album at least once a day. I don't know, everytime, a new layer seems to unfold, I hear something new each time and I find it so hard to get bored of this album
Leilana: That happens with all the great albums, I suppose. And speaking about albums... Which were the most expected albums that had to be released this year but weren’t?
Nancy: Klaxons seem to fill these shoes as well as gigs that didn't take place
Leilana: What about The Strokes?
Nancy: The Strokes also have a passion for delaying that fifth studio album.
Leilana: At least we have Julian’s album
Nancy: Yeah, four of them did have great solo albums this year. But, you know, it's not enough. We fell in love with The Strokes as a whole, as a concept not with the guitar or drums alone. We need the five of them.
Leilana: That's true
Nancy: There were tones of other bands I’ve been eagerly waiting to hear albums from this year, but discs got postponed etc. Or just bands who needed a bit too much to record a sophomore like These New Puritans or Justice (wonder what those ones are up to). Or bands like Black Rebel Motorcycle Club and Interpol. I don't care, man, just take out that album already. But then again, hey we got other bands this year, new bands we've only just discovered or new ones that could fill in some gaps. Which were yours?
Leilana: Well... 2009 was the year I realised how amazing MGMT are. I knew them from before, but I wasn't quite a fan.
Nancy: I know, same thing happened to me with The Twilight Sad. To this day I am ashamed I hadn't paid attention to them before. And there were also a bunch of bands part of the new London scene, like Demontré and R O M A N C E. Or albums from Project: KOMAKINO and Spider And The Flies (by the way, another face of The Horrors. A twisted face of the Horrors). And Girls. I mean what a debut album.
Leilana: When I listened to their album, I couldn't believe it was a debut album.
Nancy: Lust For Life was genius. It had the same name as Iggy's song, just that is was about being fucked up and not about fucking.
Leilana: Let's not mention the video for this song. Pure fucking love, pure loving sex. Oh, the videos that impressed you the most this year were...?
Nancy: Man, right here I kind of suck. Most of the bands whose videos I wanted to see had mad (as in “get a new director”) skills. Manics’ Jackie Collins' Existential Question Time was borderline horrible and Cornerstone was downright crap. And here is where we mention The Horrors again. Ok, Mirror's Image was shit (so shit it seemed enjoyable, but it was maybe just all those colours), but the rest of their vids had a sense of sustaining the music, of backing it up.
Leilana: I suppose you don't even want to talk about The Never-Ending Why from Placebo (that video sucks, kids, just for the record).
Nancy: I think that not even the guys want to talk about it. And if Molko dares claim there's anything good about it, I’m helping him get into rehab and fast. I’ll finance his staying there.
Leilana: By the way, do you remember that I said the video characters seemed to be drawn by some kinder garden kids?
Nancy: Don’t tell me, they were?
Leilana: Yes, I heard it's actually true.
Nancy: Hey, let's make a wish for next year. Ok, a wish that contains several other wishes...
Leilana: Well, I hope 2010 will be better (musically speaking) than 2009. And that means: Klaxons album, Klaxons gig, Strokes album, Strokes gig, Horrors gig, Manics gig… Okay, you got the point
Nancy: And I can add more insane Gaga outfits, better Placebo songs/videos, the demise of La Roux, some Blur gigs, a private party with Klaxons in they homeland of Ibiza and yeah, more gigs for us to write about.
Leilana: Yeah!!!!! So what can we say now? Happy New Year?
Nancy: Happy New Year and an Olsdal for all of you. And if you're nice Santa Wire might give you a degree in politics (ok, in whatever field you want).