Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Lovely Allen

Nine song titles that mention other bands.

1. The WombatsLet’s Dance To Joy Division (and we all did so)

2. LCD SounsystemDaft Punk Is Playing At My House (any indie kid's wet dream)

3. CSSLet’s Make Love And Listen To Death From Above (I'm not sure ALL of us did this onew)

4. Pull Tiger TailTom Waits For No Man (I know, stupid pun. But you liked it)

5. Ali LoveShangri La (yeah, one of those three gals The Horrors love so)

6. George PringleI Know Who Mogwai Are Too, Darling (But have you listened to their music? this is the real question)

7. Adam Green Jessica (as in Simpson. As in 'I know it's tuna, but is it fish or chicken?')

8. Brand NewMe vs. Maradona vs. Elvis (my bet's on Jesse Lacey)

9. Camera Obscura Lloyd, I’m Ready To Be Heartbroken (Lloyd as in Lloyd Cole and his song Are you ready to be heartbroken?)

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