Saturday, 28 November 2009

I'll Believe In Anything

Now would be the perfect moment to start this post with “They have landed” or something along the lines. Which I won’t cause then you’ll all be rolling our eyes and say “Bu-hu, this is so boring and not funny, I don’t want to read your blog anymore. Go away”. And because we want to be loved by you, our readers (well, hello there), I won’t.

Anyways, I guess it wouldn’t really be accurate. And there, I am going to use a cliché in order to make a joke. You see, Big City, Spacemen 3’s contribution to the spilt 7” I am talking about in this post, feels really otherwordly/out of this world/etc. It’s a great track to listen to while getting high. Actually, to think about it, it’ll do the job (no illegal substances required) thanks to the 80s drone-meets-Kraftwerk overall feeling it has. And no, for your information, I was not high or getting high when I heard this.

The second track on the 7” is by Wooden Shjips (not a typo, not a typo) and is named I Believe It. And here’s the fun part: it feels like it could belong on any Spacemen 3 album. It’s sort of psychedelic and slow paced and has some great chiming guitars. And, yes, the two tracks fit really well together and make for a great musical journey… into space. There, another bad joke, this time about Spacemen 3’s name. Now go away, stop reading this, listen to the 7”.

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