It seems such a long time since it started but still, my fingertips are holding onto the cracks in our foundation. Back in 2007 Kate Nash revealed Foundation her first single, and every time I listen to it I can’t stop adoring that song, overpowered with a strong feeling of a relationship ending. It doesn’t have to be personal, for so many it wasn’t, but Kate’s voice won everybody on her side in that tale of her relationship.
Three years after her debut album Made of Bricks, she is releasing My Best Friend Is You. Her new musical material is a tour de force a la Kate Nash. Unquestionably Kate comes back with renewed strength and desire. With this new album she consolidates her passion and dedication for music, revealing vivacious instrumental and emotional lyrics voiced in her own special way. She starts with tracks like Paris, where she makes the violin not another tear whipping instrument but rather a string bomb and Kiss That Girl (another 60’s reminiscent sound) where beside the violin she engages effective drums. This way Kate begins the mentioned tour.
Even if just after only two tracks she softens the pace, the song Don’t You Want To Share The Guilt strikes an emotional chord with its softness and depression. Her voice is almost lifeless and the monologue of rage provided towards the ending just pulls it off. As almost all songs, this track is rewarded with something special on the instrumental level too. She makes the Triangle a star like only rare artists ever did.
Further more surprisingly, the song I Just Love You More, brings out the wild Kate - naughty Katey. What am I saying? You’ll hear it when listening to the song. Word of advise: no big volume, unless you wanna be naughty too. With tracks like Doo-Wah-Doo, Kate returns to the 60’s sound a little, and redirects her negative feelings this time towards a female. And with Take Me To a Higher Plane, she returns to the oh so effective violin.
So far Kate has taunted with the 60’s sound reminiscence, well with I’ve Got A Secret she just goes all the way.
Don’t You Want To Share The Guilt had a rage-full monologue. It was surprisingly powerful. Ha! That was pish-posh. Mansion Song has the real rage-full monologue. Boy oh boy, Miss Nash can utter the ‘f’ word so hot. This song is just sexy atrocious. It’s not the mouth of a truck driver, but she does sound a lot like Joan Jett (in her troubled youth) and with a Courtney Love attitude.
No, Mansion Song was real. Not a delusion. Early Christmas Present and Later On succeed as definitely intended to twist you further by sounding like a classic Kate Nash in a merry tempo. Pickpocket is what Kate started her musical journey with. And You Were So Far Away is what soft is for Kate. But she ends her second album with big feelings: hate and likes. I Hate Seagulls is a song of pure romance.
Foundations is an amazing song, guaranteed for anybody who adores it to adore Kate Nash. Luckily with this new album Kate proves why anyone would adore Miss Nash starting that song.
This is just a thought that came to my mind, regardless of the post (well, not exactly). As I read the review, I wanted to search Paris on youtube, and I realised it would be much easier if you gave the link either to the myspace page or to a song of your choice on youtube, so I wouldn't have to google it myself. And this obviously goes for any of your posts.
ReplyDeleteLaziness, I guess, but it would make it much easier for me :D
it would be an idea, yes, just that the trouble with youtube is someone could remove it at a moment or another and I really find it annoying to always check to make sure the video still works. I guess we could post some streams or something along the lines.