We Were Promised Jetpacks describe their new EP, The Last Place You'll Look, as a some kind of "The Twilight Sad meets Frightened Rabbit". Some critics agreed. But it is also to be noted the sound seems to be more melancholic than the one on the debut album. Something just as important is the fact that the new EP features three new songs and two new versions of some songs of their debut album
It sets of with A Far Cry, Adam Thompson's voice backed off by a guitar which builds some kind of a dreamy atmosphere. After a minute and a half, the drums enter powerfully and keep it that way until the end. However, this seems to maintain the atmosphere I was talking about earlier, rather than to bring you back to reality. The next in line is the alternate version of Short Bursts, one of the most energetic tunes on their debut album, and I must say it is very interesting to observe the way this “bring the house down” tune is turned into a slower piece, with a more than wonderful and elaborated instrumental (I'm sure I've heard violin out there somewhere, and those drums continue to kick ass).
After that it's time for The Walls Are Wearing Thin, a two minutes instrumental piece, really slow, maybe the most calm part on the material. Then comes With the Benefit of Hindsigh, another slow tune, with powerful guitar riffs and heavy drums that don't actually let you fall asleep. Oh, and that violin… The last song is a new version of This Is My House This Is My Home, the sixth track on their first album, and it's quite difficult to decide which version you should like the most. They are both strange in the most wonderful way possible, with a more pronounced touch of sadness on this version (that violin again…).
In short: it's a very good material and it certainly makes you put yourself some questions about how their next album will sound.
*photo courtesy of myspace.com/wewerepromisedjetpacks
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