What makes a good album? Maybe nobody can answer this question properly. Of course, we can elaborate a sort of a theory and say "Well, a good album is an album with intricate instrumentals, some kick-ass vocals, and deep/introspective/funny in a pleasant way lyrics." But the truth is that sometimes you start to listen to an album, you actually like it, but you can't say why.
Maybe you're wondering what's with the babble. Well, the main idea is that another Swedish musical release is on its way now, and I'm talking about Love Is All's new album, called Two Thousands and Ten Injuries, which will be released on 23rd of March. At first sight, it's not that kind of oh-my-God-I-love-it-it's-a-fucking-good album. Actually, one could say that you might not particularly remember any of these twelve songs.
And still, you have to give this album thumbs up, and there are a few reasons why. First of all, it's about Josephine Olausson's voice, which is crazy in the best sense possible. And then the instrumentals. You can't actually call them "elaborate", the guys (and girl) keep it simple, so simple that it's actually refreshing, like a glass of cold water on a hot sunny day. Least but not last, you might not remember any of these songs after the first play of the album, but you remain with the impression of a nice, energetic and cohesive piece of work, which makes you want to listen to it once more – and that's the point where you might actually fall in love with tracks like Bigger Bolder (punk all the way, baby!), Take Your Time (that keyboard line is wonderful) or Repetition (pure drum energy). And so, at the end of the day, you realize that we're actually talking about a really nice album.
*photo courtesy of Love Is All official site
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