This seems to be the season of new materials, and this time it's Thom Yorke's turn. Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses / The Hollow Earth, his double single, had already been released in 12" format and will be available for download starting the 6th October.
Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses is actually a (very) old version of Reckoner, the seventh track on Radiohead's album In Rainbows and has been written by Yorke and Jonny Greenwood. However, the final version of Reckoner doesn't resemble the original very much, which was a piece of noisy rock. Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses keeps the melodic line Reckoner had, but the sound has changed and became electronic (we all know Yorke, so we shouldn't be surprised about that). As a result, the song doesn't have that refreshing touch the original version had, but its diversified instrumental and Yorke's voice manage to make it interesting and strange in a very good way.
On the other side, The Hollow Earth allows the listener to hear Yorke's high vocals a little bit more than its predecessor (also, the song is shorter than Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses). Actually, it's based more on Yorke's voice, the instrumental bits being rather minimalistic. Not that it would be a bad thing, on the contrary – probably anything other than simple would have been ruined the impression.
Lyrically, the songs keep the same atmosphere we got used to already, the well-known "I'm not here, this is not happening (or maybe I am, but I don't want to be)". But hey, it's Yorke, what else would you expect? Certainly, this doesn't ruin the overall impression, which is a good one. I sure am looking forward to a new album.
*photo courtesy of Waste.uk.com.
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